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Bioactive nanocomposites for the control of stone monuments biodeterioration


A conservation treatment of stone monuments meant for consolidation, protection, and inhibition of biofilm formation is proposed. This systematic investigation is aimed at producing nanocomposite coatings able to exert a marked biological activity over a long period of time thanks to their peculiar structure. The coatings contain bioactive copper or zinc oxide nanoparticles (NPs), which are embedded in commercially available and commonly used consolidant/water repellent matrices based on tetraethoxysilane and/or polysiloxanes. Characterisation was performed with XPS and spectrophotometry and metal release studies were carried out with ICP-MS. In a second step, the nanomaterials were applied on stone samples and studied with SEM and spectrophotocolorimetry. Then, experimentation in situ was undertaken by applying nanocomposite coatings on the exterior of a 12th-century church in the south of Italy and the performances were successfully tested and monitored for more than a year by means of colorimetry and biomolecular techniques.


In situ experimentation of bioactive nanocomposites: San Leonardo di Siponto (Manfredonia, Italy)


Published papers
• van der Werf I.D., Ditaranto N., Picca R.A., Sportelli M.C., Sabbatini L., "Preventive conservation of stone monuments with bioactive nanocomposites", submitted to Heritage Science
• Ditaranto N., van der Werf I.D., Picca R.A., Sportelli M.C., Giannossa L.C., Bonerba E., Tantillo G., Sabbatini L., "Characterization and behaviour of ZnO-based nanocomposites designed for the control of stone monuments biodeterioration", submitted to New Journal of Chemistry
• Modelli L., Materiali nanostrutturati per la lotta al biodeterioramento dei materiali lapidei, MSc thesis, 2012-2013, University of Bari Aldo Moro
• Ciasca A., Preparazione, caratterizzazione ed applicazione di nanocompositi bioattivi per la conservazione del materiale lapideo, MSc thesis, 2013-2014, University of Bari Aldo Moro
• Guagnano R., Nanocompositi innovativi a base di titania per la prevenzione del degrado di substrati lapidei, BSc thesis, 2013-2014, University of Bari Aldo Moro
• Degennaro M., Caratterizzazione molecolare della colonizzazione microbica di un monumento lapideo allo scopo di pilotare la sintesi di nanoparticelle per il suo restauro, MSc thesis, 2012-2013, University of Bari Aldo Moro


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