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30 June - 4 July, 2025
Diagnosis in Heritage Science:
7. Focus on innovative cleaning methodologies for painted art

The Summer School includes a program of multi-disciplinary studies within one week. The School will be held at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Pisa, and is designed to train graduated students (Master’s degree), in particular PhD students, with interests in Heritage Science.
In 2025, the school will be focused on cleaning methodologies for painted art. It will be organized in the context of the Green Cluster projects: MOXY, GoGreen, and GreenArt, and provide a comprehensive overview of the scientific basis of cleaning methodologies, focusing on how to assess the effectiveness and impact of cleaning processes beyond visual inspection.

Program Overview
The summer school will feature a combination of lectures, hands-on demonstrations, and expert discussions, covering various approaches to the cleaning of painted surfaces. Topics will include:
Scientific Foundations of Cleaning: Understanding the underlying chemical and physical principles governing cleaning processes and how these affect different materials.
Contact Cleaning Methods: Exploration of dry and wet contact techniques, including the use of innovative materials and solvent applications.
Non-Contact Cleaning Methods: Laser-based approaches and emerging non-contact technologies for delicate surfaces.
Assessment and Evaluation Techniques: Methods for assessing the impact of cleaning at the chemical and physical level, including analytical imaging, microscopy, and mass spectrometry.
Ethical and Practical Considerations: A structured approach to decision-making in conservation, balancing effectiveness, safety, and long-term material stability.
Case Studies and Applications: Real-world applications of cleaning methodologies in the conservation of paintings and other cultural heritage objects.

Hands-On Demonstrations and Site Visits

Participants will engage in practical sessions, including:
• Demonstrations of contact and non-contact cleaning applications, with a focus on the cleaning methodologies being developed in the Green Cluster projects.
• A visit to the Monumental Cemetery of Pisa, home to one of the largest medieval fresco cycles in Europe. The visit will provide insights into the complex conservation challenges posed by war damage and environmental exposure, as well as the extensive conservation project carried out to preserve these masterpieces.

Confirmed Speakers (Additional speakers to be updated)
Klaas Jan van den Berg, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands & University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Emilie Froment, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Geert Van der Snickt, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Aviva Burnstock, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK
Bronwyn Ormsby, Tate, London, UK
Piero Baglioni, Chemistry Department & CSGI, University of Florence
Giovanna Poggi, Chemistry Department & CSGI, University of Florence
Tomas Markevičius, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Silvia Prati, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Ilaria Bonaduce, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Maria Perla Colombini, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Daniele Ciofini, IFAC-CNR, Firenze
Katrien Keune, Rijksmuseum & University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Scientific committee
Alessia Andreotti
Ilaria Bonaduce
Ilaria Degano
Klaas Jan van den Berg
Geert Van der Snickt

Erika Ribechini
Jeannette Lucejko

Download program Summer School 2025

All the information on how to apply to our Summer School can be found here

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University of Pisa  Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 56124  Pisa, Italy

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