2023-2025 PRIN-2022 PERSPECTIVE, PolymEr Research Studies for PreventivE Conservation Through non invasIVe analytical strategiEs, aimed at providing a new perspective in the field of heritage and conservation science of modern and contemporary art and design objects containing plastics by an analytical multimodal non-invasive approach for the in-situ study of CH synthetic polymers and plastic materials. The research units are based at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the Politecnico di Milano and the Accademia di Belle Arti of L'Aquila. [Details]
2021-2024 PRIN-2020 SUPERSTAR, Sustainable Preservation Strategies for Street Art - sets as a goal the definition of innovative guidelines for the preservation strategy of street art, aimed at safeguarding its powerful social and cultural message in the urban context. A combination of non-invasive and micro-invasive techniques are optimized to shed light on the chemical-physical properties and vulnerability aspects of modern paint materials that constitute street artworks. The studies performed in the laboratory on reference materials are supported by research performed on relevant case studies, located in different environmental urban contexts. The focus is on the materials used by the artists and the environmental risks and anthropic stresses. [Details]
2022-2024 Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo dell’Università di Pisa PRA 2020 "Microwave assisted approaches for heritage science, environment, and energy" (codice progetto PRA_ 2022_58).
2023-2026: Progetto Lasering-ph Lasering-ph is a multidisciplinary project, focused on defining the ideal conditions of laser radiation as a cleaning method of cave and tempera mural paintings, fulfilling the standards defined by the code of ethics for the practice of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.Lasering is a research project on the laser painting interaction. The objective is to advance in the knowledge of the interaction between laser radiation and ancient Pictorial Heritage. Laser ablation allows the removal of surface films in a localized, gradual, and selective manner without waste generation. This procedure should follow a clean technology that helps to minimize industrial emissions. [Details]
2022-2026: Progetto Moxy Green Atmospheric Plasma Generated Monoatomic OXYgen Technology for Restoration of the Works of Art- Coordinated by Ghent University with a Horizon Europe grant in the call Green Technologies and Materials for Cultural Heritage: HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01-01 (grant agreement ID: 101061336) to bring to fruition a radically new approach to the cleaning of tangible cultural heritage assets, based on atomic oxygen. [Details]
2022-2025: ARIAH ChCemical speciation of A Revolution In Art History, HORIZON TMA MSCA 2021-PF-01-01- Postdoctoral Fellowships - Global Fellowships- ThARIAH (A Revolution In Art History) aims to discover the atomic- and molecular-level chemical composition of mixed media paint layers (oil-protein mixtures) in original Renaissance artefacts and map the distribution of their constituents at the nanoscale, to understand the revolution of painting techniques that occurred in Renaissance Italy: the transition from tempera to oil painting. [Details]
2020-2022: Progetto StAr Development of Storage and assessment methods suited for organic Archaeological artefacts nell'ambito JPI Cultural Heritage, iniziativa di programmazione congiunta su Patrimonio Culturale e Cambiamenti Globali (http://jpi-ch.eu/).
2013-in progress: Progetto IPERIONCH - finanziato dal MIUR nell’ambito della call Horizon 2020 – Work Programme 2014-2015 for European research infrastructures (responsabile di un laboratorio dell’infrastruttura “fixlab” e del work package dedicato allo sviluppo di uno spettrometro di massa trasportabile per analisi in situ).
2018-2020: Progetto regionale MS-MOMus, Spettrometria di Massa SIFT portatile e identificazione di Materiali Organici in ambiente Museale" finanziato nell’ambito del POR FSE 2014-2020 Asse A – Occupazione (responsabile scientifico);
2018-2020: Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo dell’Università di Pisa PRA 2018: “Advanced analytical pyrolysis to study polymers in renewable energy, environment, cultural heritage” (codice progetto PRA_ 2018_26).
2015-2018 - Cleaning of modern oil paint (CMOP) Web - Heritage Plus Joint Call
PRA 2016 - Analytical chemistry applications for deepening the knowledge of materials and techniques in modern and contemporary art (University of Pisa grant PRA_2016_13).
2017-2019 - Saving Oseberg Phase II - From Lab to Pilot, funded by the Norwegian State and the University of Oslo (WebSite).
2014-2016 - ArCo Project: Ageing Study of Treated Composite Archaeological Waterlogged Artifacts, fundes as: JPI - JHEP JOINT PILOT TRANSNATIONAL CALL for Joint Research Projects on Cultural Heritage.
Local coordinator (the Heritage Portal’s Facebook and Twitter accounts):
www.facebook.com/theheritageportal - twitter.com/Heritage_Portal
2013-2015 - Saving Oseberg Project funded by the Norwegian State and the University of Oslo (link: www.khm.uio.no/english/research/projects).
2013-2016 - Futurahma: Tecniche pittoriche, critica delle varianti e problemi conservativi. Dal Futurismo al ritorno al classico (1910-1922) – Futuro in Ricerca 2012.
2013-2015 - National project “PRIN 2010-2011”: Sustainability in cultural heritage: from diagnosis to the development of innovative systems for consolidation, cleaning and protection” granted by MIUR
2011-2013 - Progetto PAR FAS Regione Toscana “COPAC: Conservazione Preventiva dell’Arte Contemporanea” granted by Regione Toscana P.A.R. FAS 2007-2013 Action 1.1.a.3
2011-2013 - 2011-2013 The Herculaneum Conservation Project "Telephus Roof Project". La Diagnostica dei materiali organici e la modalità di conservazione dei reperti in legno relative ai ritrovamenti della antica spiaggia di Ercolano.granted by Packard Humanities Institute and British School at Rome in collaboration with Soprintendenza speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei.
2011-2013 - Progetto PAR FAS “VAT (La vita breve del tannino)”, granted by Regione Toscana P.A.R. FAS 2007-2013 Action 1.1.a.3
2010-2013 – European project Collaborative Project ENV.2010.3.2.1-1 Non-destructive diagnosis technologies for the safe conservation of movable cultural assets: “ MEMORI - Measurement, Effect Assessment and Mitigation of Pollutant Impact on Movable Cultural Assets – Innovative Research for Market Transfer”. Granted by EC 7th framework programme.
2010-2012 - Marie Curie Action, Intra Euroepean Fellowships (IEF) “Saccharide materials in paint systems: nature, occurrence and physicochemical evolution” granted by EC 7th framework programme.
2010-2011 - National project “PRIN 2008” - "Proteomic and immunochemical protocols to study proteins in oxalate patinas and painted objects". Granted by MIUR, Cofin2009.
2009-2011: COST Action IE0601 WoodCultHer :Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
2009 – 2011 – Progetto POR CREO “ALMA : Analisi Laser di Metalli Preziosi e Ambre”. Granted by Regione Toscana POR CREO FESR 2007-2013 Action 1.5.
2009-2010 - National project "Prin07 - Colors and balms in antiquity: from the chemical study to the knowledge of technologies in cosmetics, painting and medicine." Granted by MIUR, Cofin2008.
2006-2008 - Joint Italian-Greek Programme for the scientific and technological co-operation A deep inspection of the binding media of post-Byzantine icons: staining and chromotographic techniques for the identification of degradation products.
2007-2009 - Specific targeted research project PROPAINT Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit. Granted by EC 6th framework programme.
2004-2008 - National project Synthesis and characterisation of new materials for the conservation of waterlogged wood, coordinated by Archaeological Superintendence of Tuscany, Florence.
2006-2007 - National project “The sustainable consolidation of waterlogged wood: new approaches of impregnation and polymerization with a low environmental impact”. Granted by MIUR, Cofin2005.
2004-2007 - EU Cost Action E41 Analytical tools with applications for wood and pulping chemistry, Workgroup 3 Characterisation of extractives.
2003-2006 - International Project Organic Materials in Wall Paintings, coordinated by Getty Conservation Institute (LA, USA).
2004-2005 - National project “A study on the chemical transformation of natural and synthetic polymers in the conservation of wooden objects”. Granted by MIUR, Cofin2003.
2002 - European Network “The Ancient Ships of Pisa: a European Laboratory for Research and Preservation”. Granted by EC, Culture 2000.
1999 - European Network for the Promotion and Development of Diagnostic Techniques and Technologies for the Study, Research and Conservation of Icons, granted by EC DG X/C/4.
1998-2002 - CNR (Italian Research Council) Targeted Program Cultural Heritage.
Theme: Innovative diagnostic methods for the conservation of mobile artefacts.
Sub-project: Diagnosis of conservation and intervention methodologies.