banner zabriConceria Zabri S.p.A.
The Zabri tannery was founded in 1971 by the administrator Mario Brillanti. In 1999 it became a Spa company and in 2009 sons Samuele, Consuelo, Sara, Michele and Marco also joined the managing structure.
In over 50 years of activity, Conceria Zabri has remained faithful to its market and its objectives of being a leading Calf Split Leather company in footwear, leather goods, apparel and interior decor supply chain.
Over time, Conceria Zabri has constantly improved its competitiveness by adapting to the challenges that the evolution of the market has sorted out. All this was possible thanks to the extreme experience of the staff and the huge investments in sophisticated electronic systems that control the entire manufacturing process, which contributed to making the production level more efficient, improving the worker conditions and the quality of the final product, as advantage for customers.
Company production processes and Customer care, are supported by an internal laboratory for physical-chemical tests and by the numerous certifications implemented over the years: UNI EN ISO 9001 (Quality) - UNI EN ISO 14001/EMAS (Environment) – UNI EN ISO 45001 (Safety and workplaces) – SA8000 (Social responsibility of workers) – and other sector specifications LWG (Leather Working Group) and ZDHC (Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals).

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- Info e contatti del referente: Dott. Iacopo Corsi QC/R&D Laboratory Manager [+39 0571 297358 Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.]

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